I like to start my own practice with a breathing technique called Kapalabhati.
This is a strong breathing technique where the abdominals work hard to help force the breath out on the exhale making the out breath powerful and audible. After each out breath there is an involuntary silent inhale.
“Kapalabhati” is a compound word. “Kapala”means“skull”; “bhati” means “to shine or to be lustrous.” This practice is said to “make the skull shine” by cleansing the nasal passageways and sinuses, and ultimately supplying the brain with a fresh supply of oxygen-rich blood. It also cleanses the throat and lungs and stimulates the abdominal muscles and organs.
I don’t count my breaths or time this part of my practice, I simply continue until I feel my breath flowing effortlessly, I then know my breath will flow naturally with my practice
Skull clearing breath